The Club has a criteria for the Board to follow when recommending Club Life Membership.
This is done in order to protect the integrity of the achievement. The Board may confer Life Membership on any member who has in a special degree promoted the objects and interests of the Club according to the Constitution. Unless exceptional circumstances exist, a person may only be nominated for Life Membership after a total of 10 years’ service to the Club.
Five and Ten Year Service awards are presented upon achievement. Merit Awards may be made to a member who in the previous year has performed in an outstanding way in any area of Club operations.
*denotes deceased
Graeme Bignell*
Nadine Bolt
Rocco Bonfiglio
Averil Brandon*
Murray Brandon*
Gwen Branson
Denis Brewster
Robert Brinkworth
Betty Brook*
Robert Burkett
Neville Butler
Dennis Campbell
Robert Campbell*
Vincent Carey*
Ricky Clayton
Brian Corcoran
Peter Cornwall
Mark Cousins
Tina Donovan
Fred Drolsbach*
Denis Eblen
Walter Elliott
Graham Ferrett*
John Fitzpatrick
Graham Fraser
Ian Hardy*
Mary Hardy
Bill Herron
John Hill
William Holst*
Peter Hood
Carolyne Jones
Ron Jones*
Neil Kerley*
Michael King
Raymond Larkin
Owen Lever*
Victor Lynch
Warwick Lumbers*
Cecil Maddern*
Graeme McCreery
Bob McGibbon
Brian McNamara*
Glen McPherson*
Brian Medhurst
Tony Mills
Raymond Newberry*
Stephen Newport
Sam Page
Rex Pearlman
Robert Pearlman*
Wayne Phillis
Graham Pittaway
Peter Power
Brian Riches
Brian Robinson
John Robinson
George Rolfe
Laurie Rosewarne
Colin Rugless
Brian Rundle
Belinda Schell
David Schell
Brian Scott
Roma Soulsby*
Des Staite
Geoffrey Tanner
Andrew Trembath
Brian Veale
Rex Waye
Robert Weekley
Joyce Weight
Patricia Whittaker
William Whittaker*
Avice Willshire*
John Okely*
Allen Wilson*
Terence Wilson
David Wright
Torrie Osborne
Kevin Abley
Brad Agnew
Richard Bone
Andrew Bradley
Mel Brock
Ray Button*
Neville Caldwell
Peter Carey
Colin Churchett
Brian Colbey
Stephen Copping
Graham Cornes
Chris Curran
Allan Crabb
Neil Davies
Chris Duthy
Ross Gibbs
Jack Hanley
Jim Handby
Simon Hele
Clem Hill
Kym Hodgeman
Christopher Hunt*
Ray Hunt
George B. Johnston
Trevor Kendall
Don Laffin
Rex Leahy
Arthur Link
Hadyn Linke
John MacFarlane
Peter Marker
David Marshall
Chris McDermott
Keith Olliver
Jack Owens
Fred Phillis
Wayne Phillis
Max Proud
Colin Richens
Len Sallis
Scott Salisbury
Matthew Snook
Tony Symonds
Rex Voigt
James West