Club News

MEDIA RELEASE: A more financially sustainable future

Glenelg Football Club is today excited to announce a more financially sustainable future following a financial agreement with the City of Holdfast Bay Council.

In the early 2000s, Glenelg Football Club (GFC) embarked on significant infrastructure builds including the function centre and bistro, in part funded through a City of Holdfast Bay (Council) loan of $2.5 million, which thanks to the support of the SANFL, Council and members, was reduced with approximately $1.03 million remaining as of 30 June 2024.

Following many years of discussions and negotiations between GFC and Council, GFC has recently repaid 50 per cent of the outstanding debt, with Council approving a waiver of the remaining 50 per cent.

Glenelg Football Club President, David Whelan, said the financial agreement will change the trajectory of the Club.

“It’s no secret the Club has faced challenges and Council’s financial support since 2012 has been invaluable,” David said.

“For years we’ve been operating with an uncertain future, but we are now in a position where we can look to become more sustainable.

“By working together with Council to facilitate this outcome, we can now focus our full energy on developing our football and continuing to make our Tigers community proud.

“We thank Council for their years of support, as well as being amenable to finalising our debt arrangement and for working cooperatively with us to deliver this great outcome for our Club.”

CEO Justin Scripps said finalising the debt will ensure GFC continues to play an integral role in the local community.

“For more than 100 years, we have been embedded in the local Glenelg community and now, we can look forward to being part of the community for 100 years to come,” Justin said.

“We’re more than just a football club, we’re a community hub. Local schools, kindergartens and community groups use the facilities, we employ local people, we support about 400 underage players, we are a local venue of choice for functions and most importantly, our games draw crowds of up to 35,000 people per year to the Bay.

“The SANFL estimates our average contribution is close to $9.9 million to the South Australian economy each year, which directly benefits Holdfast Bay and surrounds.”

The financial agreement follows the recent signing of a new lease and licence with Council for the next five years at the Glenelg Oval precinct, providing even greater stability and certainty for GFC going forward.